Presentations, Classes, Seminars, Promotional & Publicity Events
New York is Where it's At !
Introduction to Pro Se Litigation
From time to time, depending on loca- tion and interest, we offer educational e- vents, such as classes, talks, seminars, or panel discussions.
These live events will be publicized and posted as a rule in the area of their actu- al location. Only major events may be featured, in addition, in the respective o- ther sections like "Events" on this site.
Procedure and Rules-of-Court Classes
This section may be dedicated to more serious educational classes for those who may have an interest in, or need to learn and master, the theoretical foundation of the contemporary adversarial (Anglo-American) or factual (European) litigation process.
Preparing Court Papers and Motions
Among our educational projects, this is the most practical one. It involves a working knowledge of court rules, their ("creative") application, imaginative strategy and tactics planning, good writing skills, some psycho- logy, ability to predict course of events, etc.
Publicity - Promotion