Who Is GOD ?... Where Is GOD ?... What Is GOD Doing ?... What Are His Laws ?
Great is the Mystery of God and impossible for Man to find out. Man has a great difficulty with God, who, in turn, has a greater difficulty yet with Man. The two do not get along well as each wants to rule the Universe all by himself having the other one for Servant. And any such Rulership can only be accomplished by means of LAW. We want to address how God accomplishes this in this article. And we will compare it with Man's own ways as he imitates God's Laws by setting up his own Laws.
We, the humans, as limited and insignificant, as unworthy and depraved, shortsighted, yes unclean, as we are, do not need God and do not really care about Him. Or we do not care nearly enough, to say the least. And yet, we are presumptuous to make believe that He, as Mighty, Intelligent, Powerful, Awsome, and Sovereign as He is, needs us and keeps His eyes on each and everyone of us day and night seeking any which opportunity to please us, inviting us, courting us, even imploring us, to come to Him not to miss out on His Favors, Generosity, and His Kingdom, to have us saved and living forever in His Paradise at any Cost . . . because, see ?, He even had Himself (or, rather, His Son) crucified so as to make it possible for us via this incomprehensible and gruesome sacrifice . . .
Well, we do deceive ourselves and we do get deceived. The respective Truth we do not want to hear is quite different. Yes, finding the only true and living God and gain His favor, to become approved and accepted by Him, is one of the most difficult things for anyone in human skin. Because it is up to Him, and not up to us, to call us, to lead the way, to open the door, to reveal Himself to whomever He so choses and let such a Man in on the Great Promise of God to live forever.
Now, let us note that, to make it easier on ourselves, rather than waiting for God to make His move first, we go ahead choosing to simply invent, "create", imagine a God of our making, one to suit our purpose. We conjure up a God that is more manageable, behaves more according to our rules and wishes, a God that is more "obedient", more readily available whenever and wherever we may need Him. A God that is our Helper and Servant, a Companion to our fancies, a Grandpa, a Friend, a Giver and Provider. In fact, we are quite prolific at creating multiple Gods of all kinds, shapes, faces, names and qualities and try to "serve" them expecting their services in return. And, to make these Gods more real to our eyes and our touch, we make pictures of them, fashion them out of wood or stone or gypsum. Yes, we even seem to like the fact that such Gods are motionless, silent, impotent, helpless, . . . because we do not have to fear them, they cannot hurt or punish us, and we can easily endow them with any needed, suitable qualities of our preference . . . . . However, what is the true reality like ?
Note. This rather brief material is not intended to introduce any new or "other" religion. However, it may offfer us a few surprising clues, open your eyes, shake and wake us up, point the way to unusual, yet well-founded, definite, clear and sober perspectives . . . ( con't )